At Wednesday testimony meetings, you’ll hear hymns and readings specially selected for the day from the Christian Science Pastor—the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Unless otherwise indicated, Scriptural selections are from the King James Version of the Bible. You’ll also hear testimonies of healing and comments about Christian Science submitted by listeners.
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Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Eric Nelson, Guest First Reader
Bryan Ashley, Organist
Rêverie by Louis Vierne
Evening Prayer by Henry Smart
Hymn 77
James Montgomery, words
Meiningen Gesangbuch, 1693, music
God is my strong salvation;
What foe have I to fear?
In darkness and temptation,
My light, my help is near:
Though hosts encamp around me,
Firm in the fight I stand;
What terror can confound me,
With God at my right hand?
Place on the Lord reliance;
My heart, with courage wait;
His truth be thine affiance,
When faint and desolate:
His might thy heart shall strengthen,
His love thy joy increase;
Thy day shall mercy lengthen:
The Lord will give thee peace.
Readings from the Bible, and correlative passages from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
Silent Prayer, followed by the audible repetition of the Lord's Prayer, its spiritual interpretation being omitted.
Hymn 389
William Young, words
Portnersches Gesangbuch, 1831, music
While Thou, O my God, art my help and defender,
No cares can o’erwhelm me, no terrors appall;
The wiles and the snares of this world will but render
More lively my hope in my God and my all.
Yes, Thou art my refuge in sorrow and danger;
My strength, should I suffer; my hope, should I fall;
My comfort and joy in this land of the stranger;
My treasure, my glory, my God, and my all.
Experiences, testimonies and remarks on Christian Science
To submit a testimony, scroll down to the bottom of this webpage to the section that says “Testimonies."
Hymn 10
Frederic W. Root based on hymn by Martin Luther, words
Martin Luther, music
All power is given unto our Lord,
On Him we place reliance;
With truth from out His sacred word
We bid our foes defiance.
With Him we shall prevail,
Whatever may assail;
He is our shield and tower,
Almighty is His power;
His kingdom is forever.
Rejoice, ye people, praise His name,
His care doth e’er surround us.
His love to error’s thralldom came,
And from its chains unbound us.
Our Lord is God alone,
No other power we own;
No other voice we heed,
No other help we need;
His kingdom is forever.
O then give thanks to God on high,
Who life to all is giving;
The hosts of death before Him fly,
In Him we all are living.
Then let us know no fear,
Our King is ever near;
Our stay and fortress strong,
Our strength, our hope, our song;
His kingdom is forever.
Prelude & Fugue in C Major, BWV 553 by J.S. Bach
We are not authorized to post some hymn words due to copyright restrictions. Some of the hymn words may be copyrighted by The Christian Science Board of Directors and cannot be republished without permission. For more information, email For branches of The Mother Church streaming their services, please see the guidelines. Music included in today's streaming church service is covered by one or more of the following licences:
ONE LICENSE - Streaming/Podcast License #A-700000
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Christian Copyright Licensing International - CCLI Streaming License #3949277
Feel free to submit testimonies using the testimony/comment form before, during, or after the meeting, and throughout the week. Read our testimony guidelines. We'd love it if you would include your name and location so we can embrace our global audience. As you write up your testimony, please remember that we have listeners from many different backgrounds, with varying degrees of familiarity with Christian Science. We do not air all submissions and submissions may be slightly edited before airing.
If your testimony has never been published before, you are invited to submit a longer version of it to The Christian Science Journal, Christian Science Sentinel, or The Herald of Christian Science at JSH Submissions. Further guidelines for submitting testimonies to the periodicals are also available here.