
Committee on Publication

In a world fraught with religious strife and division, genuine understanding between people of differing faiths and backgrounds sometimes seems as rare as it is vital. Stereotypes abound. Religious believers often find it hard to see past their differences. Secular commentators often lump all faiths together as if they were the same.

Similar obstacles are equally common in public perceptions of Christian Science. The first step toward greater understanding, as a church publication entitled Dialogue with the World pointed out several decades ago, is often the “clearing away of a tangled underbrush of misconceptions” (The Christian Science Board of Directors, 1972).

Christian Science Committees on Publication have been in dialogue with the world since the early years of the denomination. The clearing away of misconceptions of Christian Science that would obstruct genuine understanding is at the heart of their work. In establishing the Committee office, the church’s founder, Mary Baker Eddy, instructed that this work be carried out “in a Christian manner” (Church Manual, p. 97). The purpose is not spin or the promotion of a public image, but to bear witness to truth. The spirit is that of healing, not criticism of those who disagree.

“The need for correcting the biases that keep us from seeing each other clearly was never greater,” the Dialogue with the World booklet noted. This statement is even more true today. On the Press Room, you’ll find examples of letters written by Committees, as well as other resources that address common misconceptions. These illustrate the continuing effort of Committees on Publication to (in the words of the booklet) bring “light, not heat” to public discussion of Christian Science.

The Committee on Publication work is outlined in Article XXXIII of the Church Manual. The office of the Manager of Committees on Publication is located in Boston, Massachusetts, and there are over 100 Committees on Publication appointed annually to serve in their localities, globally. The day-to-day work may include writing, speaking or corresponding with theologians, academics, authors, members of the press, students, health officials or legislators, but the lifting and healing of public misunderstandings and misperceptions really involves all Christian Scientists, who strive to bear witness to Truth in their lives each day.

Please reach out to your local Committee to learn how you can help:

Local Committees on Publication

U. S. Federal Office

This office located in Washington, D.C. works with U.S. Congressional, executive, and regulatory offices to help them gain a more accurate understanding of Christian Science, and works to ensure that access to spiritual health care services is not adversely affected by any law.

Press Room

Designed for media representatives, the Press Room features questions and answers about Christian Science, recent news stories, media releases, and information about Christian Science healing around the world. 


Interfaith and Ecumenical Connections

“The truth is the centre of all religion,” Mary Baker Eddy wrote. Here you’ll find ideas to help you contribute to the healing dialogue going on between faiths worldwide.


Military Chaplains

Military chaplains provide special ministry to Christian Science men and women in the US armed forces.


Contact us

Questions about Committee on Publication activities? Feel free to contact us anytime.

Manager’s office and Church media contact
Scott Shivers

U.S. Federal Government Affairs
Tessa E. B. Frost