
Praying for our world and ourselves

Praying for our world can seem like more than we can take on when we're facing challenges in our own lives. But as we open our hearts to our neighbors’ needs, we in turn feel the infinite love of God that lifts us all.

Here you can access inspirational content that supports your prayers for yourself and for the world around you. New items are added regularly, so please come back often.

The path out of hatred

The path out of hatred

Most of us yearn to see hatred give way at least to tolerance—and certainly love would be the ideal. But how do we get there? It is possible to see that each individual is worthy of—and able to—love.

© bluejayphoto/iStock/Getty Images Plus.

Thanksgiving Bible Lesson

Read and share the Thanksgiving Bible Lesson for free anytime through December 31, 2024. 

Available in English, French, German, Spanish, and (new this year) Portuguese.

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It wasn’t God versus the flood

It wasn’t God versus the flood

It’s hard to feel safety and security when weather events feel beyond our control. But it is possible by learning more about God’s power and presence.

© Alex Potemkin/E+/Getty Images.

Living under God’s government

Living under God’s government

There’s a higher government at work in the world than the eye can see.

© Wirestock/iStock/Getty Images Plus.

Who is my neighbor?

Who is my neighbor?

How big is our circle? Does it reflect God’s inclusive love for all? 

© Marco Bottigelli/Moment/Getty Images.

The answer to hopelessness

The answer to hopelessness

There is no hopeless case! This podcast episode discusses how God’s love truly can bring hope and healing to apparently hopeless situations.

© FRANKHILDEBRAND / E+ / Getty Images.

And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick.

Now, as then, these mighty works are not supernatural, but supremely natural.

Readings from testimony meetings

Listen to The Mother Church’s Wednesday testimony meeting readings from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.

October 16, 2024

© Thomas Barwick/Digital Vision/Getty Images. Models for illustrative purpose.

Christian Science Sentinel newsletter

Find inspiration in the Christian Science Sentinel newsletter

Looking for more resources to support your prayers for yourself and your community? Consider signing up for a free weekly newsletter. You’ll find prayerful responses to global issues and learn how to practically apply spiritual ideas in your life.

Heavenly Hymns

Heavenly Hymns

Hymns have a unique ability to bring healing and comfort in times of difficulty. These selections emphasize the unbroken connection between each one of us and a God that is constantly providing for our health and safety. Click on “learn more” below to view hymn selections and information.

© Sergey Ryumin/Moment/Getty Images

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