
Go Away Error — Brad Brubaker

When error is coming at me like a scream
I think of what my grandma said to me:
“Anytime you feel scared or all alone
Say ‘Go away, Error, and leave me alone!’ ”

Nothing is bigger than the Great I Am
And every living thing was made by him
God is power, there’s nothing to fear
So if you gotta cry you can dry your tears

When an ugly little thought creeps inside your head
Or monsters are crawling underneath your bed
You should really do what my grandma said
Say, “Go away, Error, and leave me alone!”

Go into your closet when you need to pray
Sometimes you even gotta deadbolt that thing
If you feel tempted by the father of lies
Say it loud, “Get thee behind me”

You gotta stand porter at the door of thought
Some thoughts you let in, others you should not
Stick to the good and the true and kind
And listen to the bouncer inside your mind

When an ugly little thought creeps inside your head
Or monsters are crawling underneath your bed
You should really do what my grandma said
Say, “Go away, Error, and leave me alone!”

If someone said a dinosaur walked outside
Would you start looking for a place to hide?
Or would you say, “God is protecting me.
And dinosaurs are gone incidentally”?

When an ugly little thought creeps inside your head
Or monsters are crawling underneath your bed
You should really do what my grandma said
Say, “Go away, Error, and leave me alone!”

Listen to Brad share the inspiration behind Go Away Error

Brad Brubaker’s superpowers include: clowning in variety shows, playing acoustic punk rock, blogging about ice cream and teaching creative writing workshops in which kids write zombie fiction. In third grade, his Sunday School teacher–who played original guitar arrangements of hymns–gave Brad his first guitar on the condition he “pay it forward” some day. Without a doubt, this gesture changed Brad’s life.