
Lecturer Profile

Patricia Cohan Woodard, CS  Play

A member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship

Patricia Cohan Woodard, CS

Contact Information

Dallas, Texas, USA
Phone: (214) 455-1627
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Patty discovered Christian Science as an adolescent and soon thereafter experienced the complete healing of a broken arm through Christian Science treatment, to the amazement of her mother, a registered nurse.

After working in New York City in the fashion business, Patty realized she wanted to help children learn how to learn. So she returned to school and earned a Masters of Arts in Teaching. This desire to help others and her love of Christian Science impelled her to set time aside to pray for others. While a mother of two children, she became a full-time Christian Science practitioner, and has pursued a lifelong career of learning about God, sharing Truth, and witnessing God’s love for mankind.

Patty has lived in six states in the U.S. and twice in São Paulo, Brazil, where she became fluent in Portuguese. Each new culture and environment has taught her more about God, universal Love, and how God’s goodness is reflected by all people. These new views have opened up wonderful opportunities to interact with people from a wide variety of cultural and economic backgrounds, faiths, and age groups. In Brazil, Patty helped start up an award-winning social program that taught mothers living in a favela (slum) how to make beautiful handmade quilts for resale, the income from which put shoes on their childrens’ feet and gave these women a new sense of self-worth.

Underlying all of her experiences is the desire to bring healing to mankind, to show each individual their God-given freedom, their real heritage, their right to happiness and health, and their inherent ability to feel God’s love.

Today, Patty resides in Dallas, Texas, where she nurtures her healing practice as well as an active in prison ministry. While serving on the Board of Lectureship, she has given lectures at food pantries, museums, libraries, community centers, churches, as well as at local, state, and federal prisons.

Titles of Available Lectures

Breaking news: Freedom is ours now

The little bird in my hand was free to fly away. We’d banded him as part of an Audubon Society effort and the time had come for his release. But even when I opened my hand to let him go, he didn’t budge. What did he need? He just needed a little lift. When I gave him even the tiniest nudge upward, off he flew. Free!

What is it that gives this kind of lift to our lives? Good news, for one thing. And what better news than the promise that health and freedom can be ours today. Yes, today!

My lecture traces the origins of this good news to Christ Jesus’ ministry, and then explores how the discovery of a 19th-century woman named Mary Baker Eddy—who found freedom from chronic illness and other struggles in her own life—shows the provable relevance of Jesus’ ministry in our lives today. What she discovered through this study she called Christian Science—a view of God and the universe that uplifts our thoughts, changes our perspective to a spiritual viewpoint, and heals.

And it lifts all of us, and can heal all of us. I’ll share the way Christian Science has brought healing to my own life, rescuing me from a troubling situation with my teenage daughter, and freeing me from the effects of an accident, as well as examples of how it has helped others from different walks of life. The common thread through these experiences is the way a clearer view of the reality of our God-given wholeness also releases us from burdens in our lives and causes us to soar. Free!

Never too late to experience freedom

Alternate title for Breaking news: Freedom is ours now.

The little bird in my hand was free to fly away. We’d banded him as part of an Audubon Society effort and the time had come for his release. But even when I opened my hand to let him go, he didn’t budge. What did he need? He just needed a little lift. When I gave him even the tiniest nudge upward, off he flew. Free!

What is it that gives this kind of lift to our lives? Good news, for one thing. And what better news than the promise that health and freedom can be ours today. Yes, today!

My lecture traces the origins of this good news to Christ Jesus’ ministry, and then explores how the discovery of a 19th-century woman named Mary Baker Eddy—who found freedom from chronic illness and other struggles in her own life—shows the provable relevance of Jesus’ ministry in our lives today. What she discovered through this study she called Christian Science—a view of God and the universe that uplifts our thoughts, changes our perspective to a spiritual viewpoint, and heals.

And it lifts all of us, and can heal all of us. I’ll share the way Christian Science has brought healing to my own life, rescuing me from a troubling situation with my teenage daughter, and freeing me from the effects of an accident, as well as examples of how it has helped others from different walks of life. The common thread through these experiences is the way a clearer view of the reality of our God-given wholeness also releases us from burdens in our lives and causes us to soar. Free!