
Cross and Crown trademark licensing program

Last Updated: January 26, 2021

About the Cross and Crown trademark licensing program

The Christian Science Board of Directors is happy to accept applications to license the use of the Cross and Crown trademark from branch churches and societies of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, The Mother Church, as well as Christian Science teachers and lecturers, Christian Science college and university organizations, and Committees on Publication. The Cross and Crown is a registered trademark of the Christian Science Board of Directors and has long been used on Mary Baker Eddy’s writings and the Christian Science periodicals to indicate The Mother Church as the authentic source of these products and services.

Through this trademark licensing program, we also expect the Cross and Crown trademark to be increasingly recognized as a visual identifier of genuine Christian Science services offered in local communities by The Mother Church and its branches and other associated activities.

  • It is required that the Christian Science Board of Directors issue a license for use of the Cross and Crown design in order to protect its trademark rights.

  • The Cross and Crown trademark is available for licensing only to branch churches and societies of The Mother Church, Christian Science teachers and lecturers, Christian Science college and university organizations, and individuals appointed as state or national Committees on Publication.

  • The Cross and Crown trademark must be used in conjunction with your official name as a branch, Reading Room, teacher, etc., as described above.

  • A sample image of the Cross and Crown design is available to download and use in your design mockup. In your final design, you are required to use the authorized version of the trademark, which we will provide to you upon approval of your license application. Your mockup must show the relative placements of the trademark and your name.

  • Review of licensing applications may take up to 3-5 weeks. Administrative fees apply for each use (see Fee Schedule below).

  • The Cross and Crown design is available in these languages: English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

  • Generally, the following types of uses receive approval:

    • Exterior branch church, society, or Reading Room signs, windows or doors

    • Reading Room interior signs or walls

    • Advertisements for branch or college organization services, meetings, or lectures (e.g., newspaper, flyers, billboard)

    • Branch church or society membership applications, brochures, stationery, newsletters, emails, or websites

  • To apply for a license, please see "How to make a request" below.

Please submit an Application Form when you know the use you would like to make and have a mockup that shows how the Cross and Crown trademark is placed into your design.

If you are ready to request use of the Cross and Crown trademark in more than one way, please include all uses in one application form, along with a mockup for each use. Submitting multiple uses in one application will qualify your request for a reduced licensing fee.

Please use our online request form below to submit your requests.


To order the "Reading Room Kit," please email

You may use the following sample Cross and Crown design in your mockup:

If your request is approved, you'll receive a license agreement and the digital artwork for the official Cross and Crown trademark suitable for your design. Please sign and return the license agreement to us. You will receive an email invoice with instructions on how to pay the license fee. Upon completion of your project, you will be asked to send us a photo of your finished design, which must conform to the use as approved.

Please keep in mind the following requirements for use of the Cross and Crown trademark:

  • Use the Cross and Crown design only in the form provided to you.

  • Use the Cross and Crown along with the official name of your licensed entity.

  • You may change the size of the trademark to fit your proposed use, as long as the proportion and elements of the design are not altered, removed, or distorted and the words remain legible.

  • You may change the color to any single color. Multiple colors are not permitted.

  • Please do not remove the words from the concentric circles or translate them into other languages.

  • The design may not be depicted with any type of motion or animation.

  • The Cross and Crown design may not be used as a website favicon, avatar, profile picture virtual background, or backdrop, including in conferencing platforms, such as Zoom. 

  • Unless otherwise permitted by us, the trademark notice (® or TM) must remain visible as it appears in the official design provided.

  • If you need to change your project design or use for any reason, either during the licensing process or after a license is issued, please contact us as soon as possible. Such changes require additional approval, and in some cases a new application will be required.

  • If your church or society disbands, or if you no longer qualify for a license, please notify the Trademark Administrator, so that the license may be terminated and all uses of the trademark discontinued.

To order the "Reading Room Kit," please email (You do not need to submit a Trademark License Application Form for the "Reading Room Kit," and it is not available to order through CDS or the Reading Room Wholesale Shop.) Charging fees helps The Mother Church defray costs of the licensing process. Cross & Crown license fees are as follows:

USD $250 for each of the following, per design:

  • Exterior branch church, society, or Reading Room signs

  • Long-term large format advertisements (one year in duration or longer), e.g., billboards, airport kiosks

USD $150 for the “Reading Room Kit”:

The "Reading Room Kit" consists of artwork that is customizable to include contact information for your local Reading Room. You will receive a set of electronic files to take to your local vendor for production. The Kit includes templates for the following:

  • Business cards for Reading Room staff

  • Name badges for Reading Room staff

  • Bookmark

  • Labels

  • Letterhead

The bookmark included in the Kit has a reverse side that can be customized to include a picture of your Reading Room and a map of its location.

USD $100 for each of the following, per design:

  • Reading Room interior signs, windows or walls

  • Branch church or society membership applications

  • Branch church or society brochures

  • Branch church or society stationery or email templates

  • Branch church or society newsletter templates

  • Branch church or society website (icon or favicon use is not allowed)

  • Branch church or society ID/profile pages and opening/closing pages in conferencing platforms, such as Zoom. (Backdrop or virtual background use behind individuals is not allowed). 

  • Branch church or society Facebook page (header placement only)

  • Short-term large format advertisements (less than one year in duration), e.g., lecture banners, buses

USD $50 for each of the following, per design:

  • Advertisements for church services, lectures, and special events, in any media, unlimited runs

  • Business cards

  • Name badges for Reading Room staff and church ushers

  • Bookmark

  • Labels

Discounted fees for multiple uses:

  • If a branch church or society makes simultaneous requests for several uses of the trademark, the fees may be reduced.

For your convenience, you can download and share up to 100 copies of the following articles about the licensed use of the trademark.

  • If you still have questions about the Cross and Crown trademark licensing program after carefully reading the information on this page, please contact us at

  • If you are a trademark agent wishing to contact the Christian Science Board of Directors of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, or The Christian Science Publishing Society, please email


Banner image: © Digital Vision/Photodisc/ThinkStock