
Church officers

Pastor Emeritus

Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910) discovered and founded Christian Science and is Pastor Emeritus for The First Church of Christ, Scientist. 

Appointment and government

The officers of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, are appointed by the Christian Science Board of Directors and governed by the Church Manual By-Laws provided by Mary Baker Eddy.

Richard Evans, C.S.B. — Director

Richard Evans, C.S.B.

A healing of malaria while in the Peace Corps cemented for Rich what he had learned from childhood in Christian Science, that God, divine Love, is present and universal to heal and regenerate all mankind. With a BA in English from Principia College, and international experience, Rich obtained his law degree from Washington University. After an extensive career in law and global business, he transitioned to the full time public practice of Christian Science in 2005, becoming a Teacher in 2009. After eight years as Committee on Publication for Arizona, Rich moved to Boston where he worked as the manager of Committees on Publication (2015–2017), prior to becoming a Director. Each of these steps has been taken with the full partnership of his wife, Blythe, and the surround of love from their children.

Moji George, C.S.B. — Director

Growing up in a deeply Christian family, Moji early learned to love God and the Bible. This foundation drew her, while a university student, to Christian Science, that teaches God as understandable Love, and Christ as a divine but practical influence, enabling anyone to have a healing ministry like Jesus. Feeling guided by God, she became a Journal-listed practitioner in 2007, and, after witnessing significant healings for her husband, Hector, and grown son, Akin, became a teacher in 2015. She has served church as Committee on Publication, Nigeria (West), lecturer, First Reader of The Mother Church, and Associate Editor. She was appointed to the Board of Directors in 2023, where she continues her service to God and humanity.

Scott Preller, C.S.B. — Director

Scott Preller, C.S.B.

Scott feels the best thing about having earned a Master of Divinity in biblical studies from Boston University is that it helped him gain a deeper appreciation for the biblical foundation of Christian Science. It also helped prepare him to serve as a Chaplain in the United States Air Force, and later as a staff editor for the Church’s religious periodicals. He began his full-time vocation as a practitioner of Christian Science healing in 1992 and became a teacher in 2006. Scott also served on the Board of Lectureship, and as President of the Board of Education and as a Trustee of The Christian Science Publishing Society. 

Mary Alice Rose, C.S.B. — Director

Mary Alice Rose, C.S.B.

During her career as a software engineer and manager supporting research in the earth sciences, Mary Alice couldn't quit thinking about Mary Baker Eddy's statement, "Jesus of Nazareth was the most scientific man that ever trod the globe" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 313). She enjoyed her work in earth science, but knew she could accomplish more good for the world through the full-time study and practice of the Science of Christianity, applying the laws of God to address humanity’s needs. She became a Journal-listed practitioner in 2002 and a Christian Science teacher in 2012. She has served as Committee on Publication for Maryland, a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship, and Chief Information Officer for The Mother Church. In 2022, Mary Alice joined the Christian Science Board of Directors.

Keith Wommack, C.S.B. — Director

The Bible and Mary Baker Eddy’s writings have guided Keith for as long as he can recall. As a young man, Keith toured with his musical band but always believed his lifework was to serve the Cause of Christian Science. Because he yearned for greater spiritual understanding, Keith began spending more hours with his spiritual studies and less time practicing the guitar and writing songs. In 1982, Keith left his musical career and gave his full attention to Christian Science healing, going on to become a Journal-listed practitioner in 1983 and then a Christian Science teacher in 1994. Prior to becoming a Director, Keith served as a Christian Science lecturer, a facilitator of practitioner workshops, and President of The Mother Church. For the last ten years, he served as Committee on Publication for Texas. Keith’s wife, Joanne, has lovingly supported his work. Her own deep love for God and Christian Science makes them a great team.

Martha Moffett, C.S.B.— Clerk

Martha Moffett, C.S.B.

Martha loved her law practice as a federal prosecutor for the United States Department of Justice in the Antitrust Division and a special Assistant United States Attorney. After her husband was transferred to the Middle East for The Christian Science Monitor, she worked for a human rights nonprofit, and this work greatly expanded her sense of the whole world’s yearning and need for justice and for a greater understanding of God’s infinite and demonstrable love for each of us.

She began a more systematic and deep study of the Bible and Mary Baker Eddy’s writings.  A desire to devote her life to the healing practice of Christian Science came out of this study.  She is a Journal-listed practitioner and also a teacher of Christian Science.

Martha is grateful to see and support The Mother Church’s embrace of the world in the healing mission of Christian Science.

Anne Melville, C.S.B. — President

All my life I have loved the truths Christian Science teaches. As a child I made some simple proofs of healing. But I somehow felt that there were certain challenges Christian Science would not heal, or at least that I was unable to demonstrate. This was overcome with a healing of sinusitis. Shortly after this I took Primary class instruction in 1975. Class instruction helped me heal myself and my children more consistently. But I did not then want to be a practitioner.

My ambitions for my career in local government started to wane after 20 years, when I found that my real ambition was to understand more of Christian Science. At this time I healed a family member of severe symptoms of a stroke within an hour. I realised then that I wanted to devote my life to the practice of Christian healing, and became a full-time practitioner in 2008 with Journal-listing in 2009. I saw a great need for a teacher in my country, so others could receive the life-changing benefits of class instruction, too. I attended Normal class in 2012. It is my joy and privilege to serve as President of The Mother Church this year.

Mimi Oka, C.S.B. — First Reader

Mimi is truly a “citizen of the world,” having spent her formative years in Hong Kong, Saigon, Tokyo, Moscow, Paris, and London before returning to the United States and graduating from Harvard University. She worked in finance for a few years, then went to cooking school and worked as a private chef, writer, and artist. Although she was raised attending Christian Science Sunday School, it wasn't until her late twenties when she began to make this teaching her own. She was inspired when a friend asked for help with a life-threatening medical condition, telling her, “You are the only one I know who believes that this can be healed through prayer!” This healing led Mimi to commit to a deeper study of the Bible and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy. She has been so grateful for the growing understanding through this study, that God’s goodness and grace are present for each of us everywhere, and that the application of these spiritual laws heals. Eventually she left a career as an artist for the full-time practice of Christian Science healing in 2012, and became a teacher in 2018. Mimi and her husband have raised two sons, based in New York City, and spend time in Japan and France each year. She is grateful to have served as President of The Mother Church in 2021–2022. 

Donald A. Wallingford, C.S. — Second Reader

Since his youth, Don has cherished the healing practice of Christian Science and sharing it with others. While attending college and law school, he read for Christian Science Organizations and kept office hours for the Christian Science practice. When serving as an Air Force legal officer and as a civilian lawyer, he continued to be active in the healing work. His love of young people came more into focus during his time as Manager of Christian Science Organizations and Sunday Schools at The Mother Church, and subsequently as a Sunday School teacher and superintendent in his branch church and in various roles with Christian Science camps and teen activities. Don began advertising in the Journal as a Christian Science practitioner in 1991, has conducted meetings for Christian Science Associations without teachers since that time, has been active in his branch church as Reader and numerous other positions, and has served as a Christian Science lecturer. Joining him in Boston is his wife and helpmate through the years, Connie. 

Henry "Lyon" Osborn — Treasurer

Henry "Lyon" Osborn

As a child, Lyon was introduced to Christian Science when his mother was healed of broken vertebrae and a spinal arthritic condition by reading Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy. In college, he was president of the Christian Science Organization at Yale University, where he majored in Political Science and graduated with honors. Lyon also earned an M.B.A. from Babson College. He served as First Reader, board member, and Sunday School teacher in his local branch church. Lyon held a variety of roles at The Mother Church, including Senior Manager of the Clerk’s Office and Manager of The Christian Science Publishing Society.

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